Kumar restaurant contact

Contact Kumar Restaurant, the best Indian restaurant in Hamamatsu, Japan, today! We offer reservations, takeout, and delivery. For all your inquiries and dining needs, reach out to Kumar Restaurant contact. We look forward to hearing from you!

Book A Table at Kumar restaurant

Booking a table at Kumar Restaurant offers numerous advantages, including guaranteed seating, personalized service, minimal wait times, and flexible dining options. It ensures a seamless and efficient dining experience, making special occasions memorable, accommodating different party sizes, and providing peace of mind. Plus, it allows for easy adjustments and prioritizes your dining needs, resulting in a memorable and hassle-free visit to our authentic Indian restaurant in Hamamatsu, Japan

kumar hamamatsu restaurant


Monday - Friday | 11:00 - 15:00
| 17:00 - 22:00
Saturday・Sunday・Holiday | 11:00 - 22:00

Our Location:

430-7790 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Naka Ward, Itayamachi, Act Tower B1

kumar hamamatsu restaurant

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Write to us if you have any query.

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indian restaurant kumar



浜松市北区平口2861番地 サンストリート浜北1F
